Behemoth Announce New Album With The Release Of A New Video

Behemoth has announced their new album, I Loved You at Your Darkest with the release of a brand new song and video “God=Dog”. The album will be out on October 5, and was recorded by Daniel Bergstrand (MeshuggahIn Flames), mixed by Matt Hyde (SlayerChildren Of Bodom), and mastered by Tom Baker (Nine Inch NailsMarilyn Manson).

I Loved You at Your Darkest:

01 Solve
02 Wolves ov Siberia
03 God = Dog
04 Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica
05 Bartzabel
06 If Crucifixion Was Not Enough…
07 Angelvs XII
08 Sabbath Mater
09 Havohej Pantocrator
10 Rom 5:8
11 We Are the Next 1000 Years
12 Coagvla

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